I always told myself that eventually, I'd find out what my passion is and that I would get a job well suited to my interests and skills. That was about 5 years ago. Like, 2009 B.C. -- Before College.
Alright, time to let my mind wander and go ponder.
Look at me. So happy, enthusiastic, elated, yet clueless. What did I want to be in 5, 7 years? What happened to all those bullshit responses I gave for some OJT job interviews?
I didn't have a structured thought-out plan. My only plan, in the styling of John Lennon, was to be happy. Look for stuff that makes me feel that way and then keep doing those stuff. Like what? Writing, is one. Traveling, volunteering, trying out new hobbies, and the list goes on.
As life has taught me so far, it's always good to have a plan. Sure, it may not be what society thinks is acceptable or normal or whatever. But it's your life. Do what you will with it. After all, you only live once. (Ew, yolo.) Unless you believe in reincarnation.
I will not share my 2 or 5-year plan map. It's something personal. Nor will I say that I hate my current job because honestly, I don't. What I am going to say, though, is that I feel productive at my job. And that's the extent of it (since sharing details about my work may pose legal charges).
The corporate world. Why was I so hesitant to plunge into the life of a suit before strutting my tassel? I've realized why. It's because I don't really know how my actions directly benefit or how they positively affect society in a direct manner. The idea of paper works, managers, processes, etc etc etc. It looked so gray to me back then. There's not much room for creativity nor for passion (I mean zest for life, not office sexual harassment, you perverted twat).
I'm not here to break all social stereotypes nor stare in the face of corporate Philippines and say, "I don't like you, Mr. Suit". Not at all. The thing is, when you're clueless about something, all you ever really need to do is ask. If no one has the answers, look for them. When you're stereotyped or prejudiced about something, break that habit and try to look at it without your prejudice-colored glasses. When you think you're going to lose your life and your soul banking on a daily corporate job, think again.
You don't have to be one thing all your life. If you don't like your job, in my opinion, there are only two things you can do about it: leave or make it more interesting. Be creative. After all, even if you're more of a left-brained person, I don't think you'd be deprived of all creativity. Right? Well, you're smart, think about it.
Yes, I do the daily 9 to 5. But I'm not depressed or sad about it. You're probably thinking, "You're young. You're still clueless about this world." I'm not denying it. But in response to that, Who Cares? I'm young so I have a long life ahead of me. although I'm busy in the office, that doesn't mean I can't pursue other things outside of office hours. I still do yoga, I read a lot, I write for 2 publications in my free time, I cover events, I go out with my friends. Occasionally at work, I search about things that interest me on the internet. That is, if my work flow isn't too heavy.
So what if you may be stuck in doing a job you don't love but you have to since you haven't found the you love yet and you need to earn your own income? Life moves pretty quick. You'll miss it when you don't stop once in a while and smell the roses.
There's nothing really wrong with a corporate job. That's how an economy thrives after all and keeps a country afloat. There are some things you just can't change. But you can always change how you look at things and how you do what you need to.
Here's to the millions of workers who work their asses off every day to make a living. May the [work] force be with you.
Here's to ones still searching for what they'll be in the near future. May you ever be enlightened.
And here's to you. No matter who you are, where you're from, what you do, as long as you love me. Hehe. Seriously. I wish you happiness. Really, I do.
P.S. Watch "Ferris Bueller's Day Off". It's a John Hughes movie so you're guaranteed to have a great time. Plus, Matthew Broderick is hot.