July 19, 2013

Generation Gap

Every generation has their own version of "the good ol' days". A time when things were simpler, more fun, what have you. One generation begins as another lives and leaves its legacy. In the end, every one is hardly ever satisfied. Is anyone ever?

Some people are constantly in a state of denial. Denying the realities that have gripped the present. Although I agree that being a 90s kid certainly made my childhood a fluctuating stream of adventure, I can't help but think that maybe it has become oversold.

Our generation complains that kids evolve into horny teenagers at 10 years old. Girls cake their faces with make-up when they haven't even had their first period. I don't want to paint a picture of how damaged any one generation is. But our parents, our grand parents, our great grand parents and so on had their two cents to say on "what has happened to the kids today?"

No matter how many changes we go through, I think one thing remains the same: complaining makes you old.

Oh wait.

You might be wondering about the turtle cover photo for this post. Well, turtles can grow up to 120 years old, maybe even more. But they're still awesome and chill about things. I love turtles.