For the summer of 2013, I decided I would go on an AIESEC exchange program. I wanted to focus on either energy and environment or cultural education. My preferred country was Brazil mainly because I've always wanted to go there and to live in such a far country would pose as a challenge for me to become more independent.
Seeing as there were no energy TNs for Brazil, I decided to go with cultural education and that's what landed me in Escola Estadual Bom Jesus! Basically, what I would be doing is cultural exchange. I taught 3 classes there about the culture, history and traditions of the Philippines.
Escola Estadual Bom Jesus
Teacher's Lounge
One of the teachers who were really supportive and helpful during my presentations, Rosilma.
Lunch Ladies! :)
Carmen, who briefed me on my first day.
Selma, who is usually the first and last one I greet since she is the information desk/reception officer.
Some girls from one of my classes.
Jessica :)
Isabela's 18 Birthday
Friends I Met
Drank caipirinha for the first time with Luiza, Lydia and their other friends.
Met siblings Angelo and Mayra at Isabela's 18th. They were the only ones who could speak English there so I decided to stick to their company. We planned to watch Oblivion thereafter. :)
Perla (from Mexico) and Amiel (from the Philippines). Met other EPs only a week before I was supposed to leave :(
While making my way to the bus going home after language class, I chanced upon these capoeira street performers. These kids are awesome!!
Tia Graca and I had manicures one weekend at a salon next to her snack bar. I love this little place where the salon was located in.
I had dinner with Thiago, the only other AIESECer from Uberlândia I've had the privilege to hang out with. The other one was Matheus, who showed me the ropes on my internship.
We ate at this place called Pistachio's, very near to both our residences. This restaurant also has a self-service ice cream parlor. We need those in the Philippines!
ECBEU (eh-seh-beh-yoo)
Ecbeu was my Portuguese language school. During my stay here in Uberlândia, I've only met a handful of people who can speak English. I decided to jump at the opportunity to learn Portuguese especially since I would love to learn a new language.
My teacher's daughter and his German but Portuguese-speaking wife.
My teacher, Eyki. I graduated at the top of class! ...Especially since I was the only student in his class. LOL, lolo jokes. xD
Other People I Met
Hugo, Isabela's friend who gave me his bracelet when I commented on it. Awww. Unfortuntately, I lost it when I was on the place, maybe when I was trying to remove my hand carry luggage from the overhead bin.
My host family. This family is amazing! They've hosted 3 other EPs before. They're very accommodating, patient and generous. :)
Last night in Uberlândia spent with Luiza and Lydia in a bar called Saguido.
Overall, it was a great experience. I'm actually starting to miss this place! During my stay there, I got a few episodes of homesickness but the prospect of living in a new place and meeting all these people compensated for my missing home and missing out on a lot of events.
I hope I get to visit this place again one day. :)