June 5, 2013


I've been so out of it lately.

I've been posting travel blog posts but they don't seem to be inspiring. I sleep late, wake up late and most of the time I don't know where I'm heading.

This is all personal stuff which seems too daunting to post on the interwebs but I'm sharing my story anyway. Typical of me, taking on a lot of work. Taxing but fulfilling however tiring it may be. I want to improve on a lot of things; indecisiveness, creativity and planning chief among them.

I decided I should fully and strictly enforce certain goals for myself. I don't want to burn out or feel lost. Argh, I'm getting ahead of myself. I usually do when I have lot burning inside my brain.

But certain circumstances tend to make me feel this way. Lost, confused and inadequate.

Then again, no one thinks these about myself but my ever-highly critical self. Let me retreat into my bat cave again for the time being.