The great thing about being bored at times is that I constantly try to find things to keep my mind preoccupied. Preoccu-mind. So anyway, going back to the browsing, I was so glad I chanced upon this article on the Business Insider.
It made me reflect and think on my current financial status: I'm broke but I'm rich.
My mom and lolo don't really like me spending much on things and I really hate it when I do. Contrary to what some of my friends believe, I am not rolling the dough. But au contraire, I am filthy rich... in experiences.
Rio de Janeiro
Now that I have a job, I'm currently saving up to take certain lessons hence so that's why I'm squeezing every peso's worth. I have always wanted to try scuba diving and pottery. I want to try yoga regularly and maybe even experience Zumba. I want a camera I can take life's snapshots with. I want to travel. I want I want I want. I want a lot of things in life that feed on my passions, my brain and my soul. Not just my materials needs and wants.
If I had to buy clothes, I'd be happy scrounging around tiangges, ukay-ukays or thrift shops. Some of my best garments came from cheap thrill buying! Also, I shopped for my business outfits at Green Hills. Go figure. I am not really fond of gadgets or cars. But when I one day decide to purchase a vehicle, maybe a nice little car that can take me places.
I like shopping, but preferably in Green Hills. I sometimes have to stop myself before I give in to my cravings and constantly eat out. My list of gadgets: a second hand Nokia E72, an iPad that was a graduation gift, a laptop from my lolo, an iPod nano that I borrowed for the meantime since I sold my iTouch.
My family travels a lot. And it is because of this love for traveling that I feel very cultured, well-traveled, open-minded, adventurous and free! I've had so many great and down-right crappy travel experiences thanks to my mother.
I don't go to my movies as often as I want even if a lot of seemingly good flicks are out. I research on old and new movies, indie or blockbuster that are actually interesting. The only price I pay? Waiting for the downloads. Plus, Kiko and I go to Alliance Francaise de Manille for their Cine Club's free French film showing.
I spend quite a lot on books but then I realize it's a good investment on my knowledge and my wisdom. I write for When in Manila, which means that when WIM gets invites to a certain event and I get to go, BAM. Free! So far, I've eaten in a few restaurants for free, seen a play and went to events and got some free stuff. For free (yes, yes forgive my redundancy)
Sometimes, some of my yogi friends and non-yogi friends get together and when we do, we get to try their healthy, and absolutely yummy vegetarian cooking. And we do yoga chanting or meditating on sound vibrations through singing. Plus, the conversations make for some very hearty meals. Gauranga! Haribol!
So you see, wanting to experiencing life, expanding your horizons and exploring places need not burn a hole in your pocket. This is another thing why I never want to give in to boredom. There are so many things I have not tried, not seen, read, eaten, etc. As a child of the universe and a citizen of this mixed up mashed up crazy world, I have no right to be bored.
Why I Love 9GAG
So many uncharted territories are waiting to be discovered. But alas, these territories are not in some far-off subterranean land or rain forest jungle. These un-mapped and unexplored territories reside deep within the the recesses of the mind just waiting for you to tap them.
Travel, learn a new language, watch old Hollywood films, eat the healthy stuff, read classic novels, write to your heart's content, and live. Carpe diem!
P.S. Sorry for the photos. It's also for you own good.