August 9, 2013

Scaredy Kitten

To be fairly honest, I fucking hate horror movies, ghost stories and the dark. I am a certified class A yellow coward. When I watch a scary movie (which I hardly ever do), I keep my eyes shut almost the entire time.

When walking in a dark area, be it a corridor, a house or even just a room, my imagination starts going haywire and next thing you know I’m scrambling to get to an area where fleshy normal humans thrive because I’m scared that the ghost of a serial killer is chasing me.

Ahh, the life of a chicken can be beset by a vivid imagination, occasional palpitations, sickening feeling to the stomach, and denial of the fact that the eyes you feel are burning down your neck is just heartburn. Yeah, right. Heartburn. Suffice it to say, I am 100% yellow.

I may not have the heart and cajones to sit through an intensely scary movie but I do have an interest in urban legends.

I don’t know what it is about them. They could be true, but they’re mostly probably not. They’re pretty much realistic (well, sometimes) which just adds to the horror factor. They’ve been handed down from [modern] generations to generations, city to city, mouth to mouth. Urban legends are pretty much your basic folk tale with a nightmarish twist.

Here are some compilations of urban legends, imagined, real or exaggerated, that you might like:

There was even a movie entitled “Urban Legends” wherein the main antagonist killer used actual urban legends to kill his victims. Plus, there are a lot of movies that are “based on true stories which Hollywood might have tweaked a little to get higher ratings and to help sell their movie better”. As long as you say it’s based on actual events or people, the creepier, scarier and more money-generating it will be. There is a certain thrill in reality.

My brother likes to scare me through scary ghost stories and pictures. I’d retaliate but I can’t seem to find any lizards lurking around anywhere. Anyway, you will not find scary stories, photos or other anecdotes on this blog.

P.S. “We Stopped Checking For Monsters under the bed, because we realized they were inside us.” – Stephen King