When the police arrived at the scene, they asked him: 'Do you know what you've done?'
'Yes,' Chapman replied evenly. 'I just shot John Lennon.'
We have been given an assignment in my Literature class to write about Dante's Inferno. My professor's instructions were to choose a circle in hell and explain its relevance in contemporary times. We have to cite examples in modern setting and choose a person to write about.
I chose Mark David Chapman, John Lennon's Assassin.
Personally, I find this assignment interesting. Not only are we condemning people to hell (not saying we have the right to!) but we're being graded for it, too. Honestly, do I sound mad? Hmmm. All the best people are.
Hell week has passed. I'm thankful that I was able to survive. Not that exams can kill you physically, of course. But the mental and physical drain... Oh, exhaustion. Hopefully, the fruits of my labor will be sweet. This week, I don't think we have anything lined up that requires grinding study hours. But we do have a lot in store that requires strategizing, planning and meeting up with teammates about. Org and acad-wise.
I have to finish 2 papers (or at least finish something worthwhile) this morning because I have plans in the afternoon. Nyehehehihizm. In other news, Tuesday is going to be awesome. Driving lessons in the morning, meetings in the afternoon and finally, after weeks of waiting, MAMMA MIA @ the CCP theater later in the evening!
YES. Life is good.
For now I must face the madness that is Monday.
I aimed at his back and pulled the trigger five times and all hell broke loose in my mind."