April 16, 2016

30 Day Challenges

They say it takes 30 days to make a habit and change your life. Sticking to challenges or daily goals that will eventually ingrain themselves in your behavior and cognitive processes.

I've always found this particular topic to be interesting so I scoped out samples of 30-day challenges I can do. These are taken from Thought Brick's list of One Hundred 30-Day Challenges You Can Do to Turn Your Life Around.

Write dreams every morning for 30 days.

This should be exciting because I love writing down my dreams and thinking about them, doing some short-term goal every day/week.

Listen to a new song everyday.

Might be a bit difficult since I like listening to the same things. But I'm always on the lookout for good songs to listen to.

Spend 5 minutes focusing on your breath.


Draw/paint a picture a day.

I'll have to collect pictures I can draw.

Spend 5 minutes repeating a positive affirmation for yourself.

You is kind, you is smart, you is important. I'll probably have to come up with a new one that's applicable to the kind of person I am, and the kind of person I want to be.

Keep a laughter journal and note down what made you laugh today.

Another slightly difficult challenge since I can laugh at anything and everything.

Give up bitching for a month.

Yes, I need this.

Be positive for 30 days, even when things go wrong.

Also need this.

April 9, 2016

What April 2016 Looks Like

“…and I remember all over again that fear is just a part of life. The trick is to recognise it and press on anyway.” -- Julie Andrews
When it comes to setting goals and dreaming up dreams, I don't want to not do something because I'm afraid. If I had a dream and I couldn't pursue it, it would or should have to be because of budget issues. I have to make responsible decisions over my finances because let's face it -- The spirit is willing but the wallet is weak.

On Twitter, I have been gushing about how there's so much for me to look forward to in April. There's always something to look forward to everyday but more so this month because I spent most of my income and my savings on classes and adventures I will be embarking on this crazy summer month:
  1. Travel writing with Ayala Museum
  2. Freediving
  3. Improv classes with Third World Improv
  4. French Classes at the Manila International Integrated Learning Center